Mastodon does seem a little intimidating at first but once you get your head around certin concepts, it’s actually not too bad.

I’m planning to create a ScreenCastsOnline tutorial covering the basics of Mastodon over the next few weeks after some real world experience of using it. I’ll mke it a free tutorial and post it here when available.

Ok, finding my way around cross posting between Twitter and Mastodon.

Don’t really intend to drive you to my but that seems to happen if I put in a heading on the post.

Will repost without the heading.

Mastodon Tutorial

Mastodon does seem a little intimidating at first but once you get your head around certin concepts, it’s actually not too bad.

I’m planning to create a ScreenCastsOnline tutorial covering the basics of Mastodon over the next few weeks after some real world experience of using it. I’ll mke it a free tutorial and post it here when available.

Slowly finding my way around Mastodon and to be honest, I’m enjoying it.

Resurrected my account so I can cross post to Twitter and Mastodon.

Please do follow me over on to keep in touch.

Has he actually done it and let that orange monster back on Twitter?